How to Protect your Data, Values and Time in 2018
Is it time for a re-set? Where we draw the line on privacy seems to be a moving target these days. Perhaps, it is time to take back some...

How to Build Your Biz in 2018: Drive HX
There’s been a lot of talk lately about UX (User Experience), DX (Digital Experience), and CX (Customer Experience). All good. This...

How to Find a Job in 2018
This article is for anyone who would like to re-imagine their career or business in 2018. If you were recently laid off, or can see a...

Finding Human Purpose in an AI World
Happy New Year! Lately, I have been engaged in conversations about how AI may change our work, our careers and our lives. What can we do...

My Grandfather's Morning Routine
My grandfather’s full name was Victor Aldred Blythe, but everyone in town knew him as Vic. I’m not sure what time Vic woke up every...

Office Hacks for Everyday
I wrote the above list for my nephew who started a new job last week as an analyst. Here's an explanation of each tip adapted for...

Barn Raising Lessons from Halifax
Question: Is it possible to discover game changing ideas in just one day? Answer: Yes, if you have the right people, purpose, process and...

Empathy is the new Black
And yes, I do mean in business. My last article on corporate mumbo jumbo was ironically, a little verbose, so I will get straight to the...

The Fine Art of Office Mumbo Jumbo
Spoiler Alert: If your tolerance for corporate-speak and literal nonsense, is ebbing like a Tsunami, please skip article and head...

Driving to Distraction
Spoiler Alert: I promised more articles on life and technology. This one is not an easy story to read, so you may want to skip it, or you...